Jack and the Westbourne Fair

The next morning, Jack made a big dicition. (p. 51)

     I read "Jack and the Westbourne Fair", a book in Helbling readers series. It is a story of a boy named Jack. Jack is really looking farward to going to The Westbourne Fair, but his parent say that he can not go because he does bad things at school. His week started badly. However, he go to the fair and he meet Tom, a young boy. Finally, his mind changes by meeting Tom. I find that his mind changes from discriptions such as Jack made a big decision and he put on a brave face. I also have experienced terrible days in my highscool days, but I think Jack's one is more terrible than me. I think it was a nice book for young men, please read it!

Hobbs, M (2009). Jack and the Westbourne Fair. Helbling


  1. disition
    decision ?

    school ?

    looking farward to go
    looking forward to going

