The stolen white elephant

The day passes without any result.
The next day the same.
The next day just same. (p 46)

ソース画像を表示     I read "The stolen white elephant", a book in Helbling series. The King of Siam (Thailand) decides to send the Queen of England a white elephant. It is very important and sacred to the king. However, on the way to england, the elephant is stolen in the midlle of night in New York. Then, a man whose job is delivering the present asked New York City the famous detective, Chief Inspector Blunt to find the stolen elephant. However, finding the elephant is more difficult than it seems...
      Accoding to a introducing sentence written in this book, the story is a comedy and it makes fun of the New York Police Department and its Chief, Inspector Blunt. However I don't understand it is a comedy when I read it. I am sorry for the elephant because of his dead. Also, if I send the Queen of England a present, I will choose a Japanese amblerra or something which can tell Japanese culture. I won't choose an animal as a present.

Twain, M. (2007). The stolen elephant. Helbling.


  1. However I don't understand it is a comedy when I read it.
    However, when I read it I didn't understand it is a comedy.

