The Surprise

She's coming to see us tomorrow morning. And she's got a surprise for you two. (p. 9)
「the surprise helbling」の画像検索結果     Today, I read "The Surprise". Aunt Elizabeth comes back from Greenland and she gives Roger and Helen a very strange present. It is a big egg. One day, when they are eating dinner, it starts to crack and the animal is born. Everyone think it is a bird at first, but it hasn't got any feathers. It grows very fast and they find it is a pterodactyl and they call it Dacty. After that, Aunt Elizabeth decides to take Dacty to the museum. It's a perfect place for Dacty because it can fly around and look at all the wonderful things. However, one night something strange happens. There are two chief inside the museum and Dacty catch them. Finally, everyone in the town are proud of him.
     My favorite word in this book is "First things first." It is Aunt Elizabeth's word. After saying this word, she goes into the restaurant in the museum, open the door of the fridge and takes some fish for Dacty; nevertheless, there are two thief caught by it. I think it is funny.

Gerngross, G. (2007). The Surprise. Helbling.

